Commercial Painting Greater Toronto Area

Transform your commercial space with Pipercon Painting professionals

Greater Toronto Area Commercial Painting Contractor

First impressions matter.

Your business’ appearance can either instill confidence in your operations or raise doubts about the level of service you provide. Elevate the aesthetic of your business, both interior and exterior, by entrusting your painting needs to our team of professional painters in the Greater Toronto area.

Residential Painting

Commercial Painting

Property Maintenance





Commercial Paint

What we do:

Property Maintenance

What we do:


What we do:

Every Space Counts

Our Services

Interior & Exterior Painting

Special Painting Services

Heat Reflective Coatings, Texture Coatings, Protective Coatings, and Anti-Graffiti Coatings

Surface Treatment & Restoration

Timber Staining & Wood Finishes, Fence Painting, Epoxy Flooring, and Building Restoration

Our results speak for themselves